Copyright © 2024
The European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT] is designed to address the significant fragmentation in accessing electronic health data across EU Member States. This fragmentation has hindered researchers, innovators, policymakers, and regulators from fully utilizing data to advance their objectives. The EHDS regulation seeks to eliminate these barriers, setting a framework to minimize legal uncertainties and ease the access and use of health data. By promoting a cohesive approach, the regulation aims to unlock the intrinsic value of electronic health data for secondary purposes such as research and innovation.
To facilitate the implementation of the EHDS regulation, the EHDS2 pilot project [EHDS2] has been launched. This project is pivotal in constructing a prototype of the "HealthData@EU" infrastructure, which is intended for the secondary use of health data. This infrastructure will connect various national data platforms into a unified network, enhancing the ease of conducting cross-border health research and innovation. The project not only aims to streamline the user journey for accessing and utilizing health data but also to establish robust guidelines concerning data standards, security, and transfer protocols. Such guidelines are crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of data within this cross-border framework.
In alignment with the European Commission's broader data strategy, which includes horizontal frameworks like the Data Governance Act [EUR-Lex - 32022R0868] and the Data Act [EUR-Lex - 32023R2854], the EHDS is part of a wider initiative to create sector-specific European data spaces, such as those for space, finance, energy, and health. A critical aspect of the EHDS project involves the development of national and EU dataset catalogues, providing a standardised language tailored to the specifics of electronic health data and user needs. This standardisation will be achieved through the creation of a dedicated healthDCAT application profile, an extension of the DCAT used widely across open data portals in Europe. This profile will ensure that data cataloguing and metadata practices are harmonized, enhancing interoperability and accessibility across the EU.
The use of DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) as baseline specification for metadata records is explored as cornerstone for semantic interoperability in the EHDS and with other European data spaces. This document details the specifications for the HealthDCAT-AP extension, a specialised adaptation of the EU DCAT Application Profile. This extension refines the DCAT data model to better support the discovery of health data, thus improving the accessibility and understanding of electronic health records. It places a strong emphasis on privacy and security, ensuring that sensitive information is discoverable and shared in a responsible and efficient manner.
This initiative is part of the broader European Health Data Space (EHDS) and aligns with the goals of the EU4Health Programme to strengthen health systems. By fulfilling the specific objectives set forth in Regulation (EU) 2021/522 [EUR-Lex - 32021R0522], this project plays a critical role in developing a robust, accessible, and effective health data infrastructure across Europe. The enhanced infrastructure is expected to drive the digital transformation of healthcare within the EU, fostering a more data-driven, efficient, and patient-centered approach. Ultimately, this will significantly improve public health outcomes and healthcare delivery across member states.
This document is a deliverable of the Work Package 6 of the EHDS2 pilot project [EHDS2] consortium.
The development of the HealthDCAT extension is an ongoing iterative process that will extend beyond the pilot project, incorporating continuous feedback and contributions from the stakeholder community. This document specifies a first iteration of the HealthDCAT-AP extension, a customised adaptation of the EU DCAT Application Profile. It adapts the DCAT data model specifically for health-related catalogued resources, in alignment with the Regulation proposal on the European Health Data Space [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT]. This customisation facilitates the management and dissemination of health data within the regulatory framework, enhancing its accessibility and utility for health data users.
Comments and queries should be sent via the issue tracker of the dedicated GitHub repository.
The HealthDCAT-AP designed as an extension of the DCAT-AP incorporates its principal classes such as dcat:Catalog, dcat:CatalogRecord, dcat:Dataset, dcat:Distribution, and dcat:DataService. This extension leverages RDF's flexible architecture to enhance metadata capabilities without compromising the stability of existing or under-development catalog systems. By integrating new metadata elements as triples, the extension enriches the metadata model without altering established structures. To ensure interoperability, the extension adheres to several principles:
This application profile was published by the Work Package 6 of the EHDS2 pilot project as a Recommendation on December 22th, 2023. It has no official standing of any kind and does not represent the support or consensus of any standards organisation.
The structure and content of this document are partially derived from the [DCAT-AP-v3.0] and [DCAT-AP High Value Dataset] specifications. This approach ensures a consistent document format across all DCAT-AP specifications.Information about the process and the decisions involved in the creation of this specification are consultable at the Changelog.
Copyright © 2024 European Union. All material in this repository is published under the license CC-BY 4.0, unless explicitly otherwise mentioned.
An Application Profile is a specification that reuses terms from one or more base standards, and adds more specificity by identifying mandatory, recommended and optional elements for a particular application, as well as advising on the use of controlled vocabularies.
A Dataset is a collection of data featuring a data catalogue that describes datasets and offers services to facilitate their discovery and reuse.
In the context of the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT (Art.44)], accessing these datasets must comply with the principles of data minimization and purpose limitation. This ensures that only data relevant and necessary for the intended processing purpose are provided, in either anonymised or pseudonymised form, depending on what is feasible for meeting the processing objectives.
A health Data holder means, in the context of the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT (Art.2 (t))], any natural or legal person, which is an entity or a body in the health or care sector, or performing research in relation to these sectors, as well as Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies who has the right or obligation, in accordance with this Regulation, applicable Union law or national legislation implementing Union law, or in the case of non-personal data, through control of the technical design of a product and related services, the ability to make available, including to register, provide, restrict access or exchange certain data.
Article 50: Applicability to health data holders
1. The following categories of health data holders shall be exempted from the obligations incumbent on health data holders laid down in this Chapter:
(a) individual researchers and natural persons;
(b) legal persons that qualify as micro-enterprises as defined in Article 2 of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.
Member States may, by virtue of national legislation, provide that the obligations of health data holders laid down in this Chapter shall apply to the health data holders referred to in paragraph 1 which fall under their jurisdiction. Member States may, by virtue of national legislation, provide that the duties of certain categories of data holders shall be fulfilled by health data intermediation entities. In that case, the data shall still be considered as being made available from several data holders. National legislation defined under paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Article shall be notified to the Commission by [date of applicability of Chapter IV]. Any subsequent law or amendment affecting them shall be notified to the Commission without delay.
A Data Portal is a Web-based system that contains a data catalogue with descriptions of datasets and provides services enabling discovery and reuse of the datasets.
In the context of the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT (Art.57)], Data Portals are managed by the European Commission, Health Data Access Bodies and other authorised participants.
The Common European data spaces [Shaping Europe’s digital future (] are a key component of the European strategy for data. Their aim is to make more data available for access and reuse. This will be done in a trustworthy and secure environment for the benefit of European businesses and citizens. DCAT-AP supports the implementation of the 14 sector data spaces by providing a standardised framework for cataloging datasets, thereby enhancing data interoperability and accessibility across different data spaces in Europe.
A Catalogue is a curated collection of metadata about datasets.
A Catalogue Record is a set of statements about the description of a dataset in the catalogue, e.g. providing information about when a dataset was entered in the catalogue or when its description was modified.
A Distribution is a specific available form of a dataset. If a dataset is published in multiple formats (e.g. Excel, CSV, Data Cube) these are described as separate distributions.
In the context of the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT (Art.54)], all secondary use access to requested electronic
health data SHOULD be done through a secure processing environment.
Health Data Access Body: According to the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT], a Health Data Access Body for secondary use of electronic health data is an organisation designated by EU Member States that ensures that electronic health data are made available by data holders for data users.
A Uniform Resource Identifier - URI is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC)21 specifying a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. URLs on the Web are a subset of URIs and are often called HTTP URIs.
Personal electronic health data means data concerning health and genetic data as defined in Article 4, points (13) and (15), of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, processed in an electronic form. [EUR-Lex - 32016R0679 (Art.4(13)(15))]
Non-personal electronic health data means electronic health data other than personal electronic health data, encompassing both data that has been anonymised so that it no longer relates to an identified or identifiable natural person and data that has never related to a data subject.
The namespace for healthDCAT-AP is: (to create)
The suggested namespace prefix is: healthdcatap
Prefix | Namespace IRI |
adms | |
dcat | |
dcatap | |
dct | |
dpv | |
dpv-pd | |
dqv | |
foaf | |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
skos | |
vcard | |
xsd | |
AP: Application Profile
CSV: Comma-separated values
CSVW: CSV on the Web
DCAT: Data Catalog Vocabulory
UML: Unified Modeling Language
URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
HealthDCAT-AP is an application profile to DCAT-AP. The healthDCAT-AP specific requirements are compatible with the release of DCAT-AP 2 and release of DCAT-AP 3.0.0. This application profile is meant to provide a DCAT-AP-conformant representation of metadata specific to health datasets in scope of the EHDS Regulation proposal [EUR-Lex - PE_76_2024_INIT] as listed in Article 51.
HealthDCAT-AP extends DCAT-AP by including:
This document describes the usage of the following main entities for a correct usage of the Application Profile:
Agent |
Catalogue |
Catalogue Record |
Catalogued Resource |
Dataset |
Distribution |
Location |
Relationship |
Rights statement |
The main entities are supported by:
Activity |
Attribution |
Checksum |
Checksum Algorithm |
Concept |
Concept Scheme |
Dataset Series (DCAT-AP 3) |
Data Service |
Document |
Frequency |
Geometry |
Identifier |
Kind |
Legal Resource |
Licence Document |
Linguistic system |
Literal |
Media type |
Period of time |
Policy |
Provenance Statement |
Resource |
Role |
Standard |
And supported by these datatypes:
| Media Type | Media Type or Extent | Temporal Literal | Time instant | xsd:dateTime | xsd:decimal | xsd:duration | xsd:hexBinary | xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
name | Literal | 1..* | A name of the agent. | This property can be repeated for different versions of the name (e.g. the name in different languages). | A | |
URL | Resource | 1..1 | A webpage that either allows to make contact (i.e. a webform) or the information contains how to get into contact. | P | ||
Resource | 1..1 | A email address via which contact can be made. This property SHOULD be used to provide the email address of the Agent, specified using fully qualified mailto: URI scheme [RFC6068]. The email SHOULD be used to establish a communication channel to the agent. | P | |||
type | Concept | 0..1 | A type of the agent that makes the Catalogue or Dataset available. | A | ||
publisher note | Literal | 0..* |
A description of the publisher activities
RDF example: healthdcatap:publishernote |
This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the publisher notes. | P | |
publisher type | Concept | 0..* |
A type of organisation that makes the Dataset available.
RDF example: healthdcatap:publishertype |
A controlled vocabulary is provided, denoting commonly recognised health publishers. | P | |
trusted data holder | Boolean | 0..* |
A data holder that has been designated by the Member State to facilitate direct data sharing.
RDF example: healthdcatap:trusteddataholder |
P |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Catalog. | E | ||
catalogue | Catalogue | 0..* | A catalogue whose contents are of interest in the context of this catalogue. | Link | A | |
creator | Agent | 0..1 | An entity responsible for the creation of the catalogue. | Link | A | |
dataset | Dataset | 0..* | A Dataset that is part of the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the property service to implement an empty Catalogue check. | Link | A |
description | Literal | 1..* | A free-text account of the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* | A geographical area covered by the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
has part | Catalogue | 0..* | A related Catalogue that is part of the described Catalogue. | Link | A | |
homepage | Document | 0..1 | A web page that acts as the main page for the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | Link | A |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Catalogue can be used or reused. | Link | A | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Catalogue was modified. | Link | A | |
publisher | Agent | 1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Catalogue available. | Link | A | |
record | Catalogue Record | 0..* | A Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
rights | Rights statement | 0..1 | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
service | Data Service | 0..* | A site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalogue. | As empty Catalogues are usually indications of problems, this property should be combined with the property dataset to implement an empty Catalogue check. | Link | A |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* | A temporal period that the Catalogue covers. | Link | A | |
themes | Concept Scheme | 0..* | A knowledge organisation system used to classify the Catalogue's Datasets. | This property refers to a knowledge organisation system used to classify the Catalogue's Datasets. It must have at least the value NAL:data-theme as this is the mandatory controlled vocabulary for dcat:theme. | Link | A |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Catalogue. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
application profile | Standard | 0..1 | An Application Profile that the Dataset's metadata conforms to. | Link | A | |
change type | Concept | 0..1 | The status of the catalogue record in the context of editorial flow of the dataset and data service descriptions. | A | ||
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the record. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Dataset. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | A | |
listing date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date on which the description of the Dataset was included in the Catalogue. | Link | A | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 1 | The most recent date on which the Catalogue entry was changed or modified. | Link | A | |
primary topic | Catalogued Resource | 1 | A link to the Dataset, Data service or Catalog described in the record. | A catalogue record will refer to one entity in a catalogue. This can be either a Dataset or a Data Service. To ensure an unambigous reading of the cardinality the range is set to Catalogued Resource. However it is not the intend with this range to require the explicit use of the class Catalogued Record. As abstract class, an subclass should be used. | Link | A |
source metadata | Catalogue Record | 0..1 | The original metadata that was used in creating metadata for the Dataset. | A | ||
title | Literal | 0..* | A name given to the Catalogue Record. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
preferred label | Literal | 1..* | A preferred label of the concept. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the label. | A | |
category scheme | Concept Scheme | 0..* | This property MAY be used to specify the Category Scheme to which the Category belongs. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
alternative | Literal | 0..* |
Alternative title of the dataset such as an acronym.
RDF example: dct:alternative | P | ||
access rights | Rights statement | 1..1 |
Information that indicates whether the Dataset is publicly accessible, has access restrictions or is not public.
RDF example: dct:accessRights |
Link | E | |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* |
The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset.
RDF example: dcatap:applicableLegislation |
For health datasets, the value must include the ELI of the EHDS Regulation.
As multiple legislations may apply to the resource the maximum cardinality is not limited. |
E | |
analytics | Distribution | 0..* |
An analytics distribution of the dataset.
RDF example: healthdcatap:analytics |
Publishers are encouraged to provide URLs pointing to API endpoints or document repositories where users can access or request associated resources such as technical reports of the dataset, quality measurements, usability indicators,... or analytics services. | P | |
code values | Concept | 0..* |
Health classifications and their codes associated with the dataset.
RDF example: healthdcatap:hasCodeValues |
A dataset may be associated with multiple health classifications. | P | |
coding system | Standard | 0..* |
Coding systems in use (ex: ICD-10-CM, DGRs, SNOMED=CT, ...)
RDF example: healthdcatap:hasCodingSystem |
Wikidata concept URIs MUST be used. | P | |
conforms to | Standard | 0..* |
An implementing rule or other specification.
RDF example: dct:conformsTo |
Wikidata concept URIs MUST be used. | Link | E |
contact point | Kind | 0..* |
Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset.
RDF example: dcat:contactPoint |
Link | A | |
creator | Agent | 0..* |
An entity responsible for producing the dataset.
RDF example: dct:creator |
Link | A | |
dataset distribution | Distribution | 1..* |
An available Distribution for the Dataset.
RDF example: dcat:distribution |
For non-open health datasets, a distribution must include information on the Health Data Access Body supporting data access. | Link | E |
description | Literal | 1..* |
A free-text account of the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:description |
This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A |
documentation | Document | 0..* |
A page or document about this Dataset.
RDF example: foaf:page |
A | ||
frequency | Frequency | 0..1 |
The frequency at which the Dataset is updated.
RDF example: dct:accrualPeriodicity |
Link | A | |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* |
A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:spatial |
Link | E | |
has version | Dataset | 0..* |
A related Dataset that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described Dataset.
RDF example: dcat:hasVersion |
Notabene: dct:hasVersion is replaced by dcat:hasVersion in DCAT-AP 3 | A | |
health category | Concept | 1..* |
The health category to which this dataset belongs as described in the Commission Regulation on the European Health Data Space laying down a list of categories of electronic data for secondary use, Art.33.
RDF example: healthdcatap:healthCategory |
A mandatory controlled vocabulary denoting health data within the scope of the Commission Regulation is provided. | P | |
health data access body | Agent | 1..1 |
Health Data Access Body supporting access to data in the Member State.
RDF example: healthdcatap:hdab |
P | ||
health theme | Concept | 0..* |
A category of the Dataset or tag describing the Dataset.
RDF example: healthdcatap:healthTheme |
A Dataset may be associated with multiple themes. Wikidata concept URIs MUST be used. | P | |
identifier | Literal | 1..* |
The main identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue.
RDF example: dct:identifier |
The use of persistent dereferenceable URIs is mandatory in this profile. | Link | E |
in series | Dataset Series | 0.** | A dataset series of which the dataset is part. | Link | A | |
is referenced by | Resource | 0..* |
A related resource, such as a publication, that references, cites, or otherwise points to the dataset.
RDF example: dct:isReferencedBy |
Link | A | |
keyword | Literal | 0..* |
A keyword or tag describing the Dataset.
RDF example: dcat:keyword |
Link | A | |
landing page | Document | 0..* |
A web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information.
RDF example: dcat:landingPage |
It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator. | Link | A |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* |
A language of the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:language |
This property can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset. | Link | A |
legal basis | Legal Basis | 0..* |
The legal basis used to justify processing of personal data
RDF example: dpv:hasLegalBasis |
P | ||
minimum typical age | xsd:non NegativeInteger | 0..1 |
Minimum typical age of the population within the dataset
RDF example: healthdcatap:minTypicalAge |
P | ||
maximum typical age | xsd:non NegativeInteger | 0..1 |
Maximum typical age of the population within the dataset
RDF example: healthdcatap:maxTypicalAge |
P | ||
number of records | xsd:non NegativeInteger | 0..1 |
Size of the dataset in terms of the number of records.
RDF example: healthdcatap:numberOfRecords |
P | ||
Number of records for unique individuals. | xsd:non NegativeInteger | 0..1 |
Number of records for unique individuals.
RDF example: healthdcatap:numberOfUniqueIndividuals |
P | ||
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 |
The most recent date on which the Dataset was changed or modified.
RDF example: dct:modified |
Link | A | |
other identifier | Identifier | 0..* |
A secondary identifier of the Dataset, such as MAST/ADS17, DataCite18, DOI19, EZID20 or W3ID21.
RDF example: adms:identifier |
Link | A | |
personal data | Personal Data | 0..* |
Key elements that represent an individual in the dataset.
RDF example: dpv:hasPersonalData |
P | ||
population coverage | Literal | 0..* |
A definition of the population within the dataset
RDF example: healthdcatap:populationcoverage |
P | ||
provenance | Provenance Statement | 0..* |
A statement about the lineage of a Dataset.
RDF example: dct:provenance |
Information about how the data was collected, including methodologies, tools, and protocols used. | E | |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 |
An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available.
RDF example: dct:publisher |
Link | E | |
purpose | Purpose | 0..* |
A free text statement of the purpose of the processing of data or personal data.
RDF example: dpv:hasPurpose |
P | ||
qualified attribution | Attribution | 0..* |
An Agent having some form of responsibility for the resource.
RDF example: prov:qualifiedAttribution |
Link | A | |
qualified relation | Relationship | 0..* |
A description of a relationship with another resource.
RDF example: dcat:qualifiedRelation |
Link | A | |
quality annotation | quality certificate | 0..* |
A statement related to quality of the Dataset, including rating, quality certificate, feedback
that can be associated to the dataset.
RDF example: dqv:hasQualityAnnotation |
P | ||
related resource | Resource | 0..* |
A related resource.
RDF example: dct:relation |
Link | A | |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 |
The date of formal issuance (e.g.: publication) of the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:issued |
Link | A | |
retention period | Period of time | 0..1 |
A temporal period which the dataset is available for secondary use.
RDF example: healthdcatap:retentionPeriod |
P | ||
sample | Distribution | 0..* |
A sample distribution of the dataset.
RDF example: adms:sample |
E | ||
source | Dataset | 0..* |
A related Dataset from which the described Dataset is derived.
RDF example: dct:source |
A | ||
spatial resolution | xsd:decimal | 0..* |
The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset, measured in meters.
RDF example: dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters |
Link | A | |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* |
A temporal period that the Dataset covers.
RDF example: dct:temporal |
Link | A | |
temporal resolution | xsd:duration | 0..1 |
The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset.
RDF example: dcat:temporalResolution |
Link | A | |
theme | Concept | 1..* |
A category of the Dataset.
RDF example: dcat:theme |
A Dataset may be associated with multiple themes. The authority table for Data Themes, maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union is the mandatory controlled vocabulary for dcat:theme. It must have at least the value NAL:data-theme "HEAL" to annotate health datasets. | Link | E |
title | Literal | 1..* |
A name given to the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:title |
This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | Link | A |
type | Concept | 0..1 |
A type of the Dataset.
RDF example: dct:type |
A recommended controlled vocabulary data-type is foreseen. For health datasets containing personal level information, the type of the dataset MUST take the value "personal data". | Link | E |
version | Literal | 0..* |
The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource.
RDF example: dcat:version |
Link owl:versionInfo is replaced by dcat:version in DCAT-AP 3. | A | |
version notes | Literal | 0..* |
A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the Dataset.
RDF example: adms:versionnotes |
This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the version notes. | A | |
was generated by | Activity | 0..* |
An activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset.
RDF example: prov:wasGeneratedBy |
Link | A |
HealthDCAT-AP Cardinalities Based on Dataset Access Rights: Open, Protected, and Sensitive Health Data | ||
Mandatory properties | ||
dct:description: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:title: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:identifier: rdfs:Literal: xsd:anyURI [1..*] dcatap:applicableLegislation rdfs:Resource [1..*] dcat:theme (dct:subject): skos:Concept [1..*] dct:accessRights: dct:RightsStatement [1..1] dcat:distribution: dcat:Distribution [1..*] healthdcatap:hdab foaf:Agent [1..1] heathdcatap:healthCategory: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [1..*] |
dct:description: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:title: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:identifier: rdfs:Literal: xsd:anyURI [1..*] dcatap:applicableLegislation rdfs:Resource [1..*] dcat:theme (dct:subject): skos:Concept [1..*] dct:accessRights: dct:RightsStatement [1..1] dct:publisher: foaf:Agent [1..1] dcat:distribution: dcat:Distribution [1..*] healthdcatap:hdab foaf:Agent [1..1] heathdcatap:healthCategory: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [1..*] |
adms:sample: dcat:Distribution [1..*] dcat:contactPoint: vcard:Kind [1..*] dcat:distribution: dcat:Distribution [1..*] dcat:keyword: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dcat:theme (dct:subject): skos:Concept [1..*] dcatap:applicableLegislation rdfs:Resource [1..*] dct:accessRights: dct:RightsStatement [1..1] dct:description: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:identifier: rdfs:Literal: xsd:anyURI [1..*] dct:provenance: dct:ProvenanceStatement [1..*] dct:publisher: foaf:Agent [1..1] dct:spatial: dct:Location [1..*] dct:title: rdfs:Literal [1..*] dct:type: skos:Concept [1..1] dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Purpose [1..*] healthdcatap:hdab foaf:Agent [1..1] heathdcatap:healthCategory: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [1..*] healthdcatap:healthTheme: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [1..*] |
Recommended properties | ||
dcat:contactPoint: vcard:Kind [0..*] dcat:keyword: rdfs:Literal [0..*] |
dcat:contactPoint: vcard:Kind [0..*] dcat:keyword: rdfs:Literal [0..*] |
dcat:landingPage: foaf:Document [0..*] dcat:temporalResolution rdfs:Literal: xsd:duration [0..1] dct:accrualPeriodicity: dct:Frequency [0..1] dct:conformsTo: dct:Standard [0..*] dct:isReferencedBy: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:language: dct:LinguisticSystem [0..*] dct:relation: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:source: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:temporal: dct:PeriodOfTime [0..*] dpv:hasLegalBasis dpv:LegalBasis [0..*] dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:PersonalData [0..*] dqv:hasQualityAnnotation dqv:QualityCertificate [0..*] foaf:page: foaf:Document [0..*] healthdcatap:analytics: dcat:Distribution [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodeValues: skos:Concept [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodingSystem dct:Standard [0..*] healthdcatap:minTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:maxTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofRecords rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofUniqueIndividuals rdfs:nonNegativInteger 0..1] healthdcatap:populationCoverage rdfs:Literal [0..*] |
Optional properties | ||
adms:identifier: adms:Identifier [0..*] adms:sample: dcat:Distribution [0..*] adms:versionNotes: rdfs:Literal [0..*] dcat:landingPage: foaf:Document [0..*] dcat:qualifiedRelation: dcat:Relationship [0..*] dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters: rdfs:Literal: xsd:decimal [0..1] dcat:temporalResolution rdfs:Literal: xsd:duration [0..1] dct:accrualPeriodicity: dct:Frequency [0..1] dct:alternative: rdfs:Literal [0..1] dct:conformsTo: dct:Standard [0..*] dct:creator: foaf:Agent [0..*] dct:hasVersion: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:inSeries: dcat:DataSeries [0..*] dct:isReferencedBy: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:issued: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] dct:language: dct:LinguisticSystem [0..*] dct:modified: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] dct:provenance: dct:ProvenanceStatement [0..*] dct:publisher: foaf:Agent [0..1] dct:relation: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:source: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:spatial: dct:Location [0..*] dct:temporal: dct:PeriodOfTime [0..*] dct:type: skos:Concept [0..1] dpv:hasLegalBasis dpv:LegalBasis [0..*] dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:PersonalData [0..*] dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Purpose [0..*] dqv:hasQualityAnnotation dqv:QualityCertificate [0..*] foaf:page: foaf:Document [0..*] healthdcatap:analytics: dcat:Distribution [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodeValues: skos:Concept [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodingSystem dct:Standard [0..*] healthdcatap:healthTheme: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [0..n] healthdcatap:maxTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:minTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofRecords rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofUniqueIndividuals rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:populationCoverage rdfs:Literal [0..*] healthdcatap:retentionPeriod dct:PeriodOfTime [0..1] owl:versionInfo: rdfs:Literal [0..1] prov:qualifiedAttribution prov:attribution [0..*] prov:wasGeneratedBy: prov:Activity [0..*] |
adms:identifier: adms:Identifier [0..*] adms:sample: dcat:Distribution [0..*] adms:versionNotes: rdfs:Literal [0..*] dcat:landingPage: foaf:Document [0..*] dcat:qualifiedRelation: dcat:Relationship [0..*] dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters: rdfs:Literal: xsd:decimal [0..1] dcat:temporalResolution rdfs:Literal: xsd:duration [0..1] dct:accrualPeriodicity: dct:Frequency [0..1] dct:alternative: rdfs:Literal [0..1] dct:conformsTo: dct:Standard [0..*] dct:creator: foaf:Agent [0..*] dct:hasVersion: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:inSeries: dcat:DataSeries [0..*] dct:isReferencedBy: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:issued: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] dct:language: dct:LinguisticSystem [0..*] dct:modified: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] dct:provenance: dct:ProvenanceStatement [0..*] dct:publisher: foaf:Agent [0..1] dct:relation: rdfs:Resource [0..*] dct:source: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:spatial: dct:Location [0..*] dct:temporal: dct:PeriodOfTime [0..*] dct:type: skos:Concept [0..1] dpv:hasLegalBasis dpv:LegalBasis [0..*] dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:PersonalData [0..*] dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Purpose [0..*] dqv:hasQualityAnnotation dqv:QualityCertificate [0..*] foaf:page: foaf:Document [0..*] healthdcatap:analytics: dcat:Distribution [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodeValues: skos:Concept [0..*] healthdcatap:hasCodingSystem dct:Standard [0..*] healthdcatap:healthTheme: (dct:subject) skos:Concept [0..*] healthdcatap:maxTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:minTypicalAge rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofRecords rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:numberofUniqueIndividuals rdfs:nonNegativInteger [0..1] healthdcatap:populationCoverage rdfs:Literal [0..*] healthdcatap:retentionPeriod dct:PeriodOfTime [0..1] owl:versionInfo: rdfs:Literal [0..1] prov:qualifiedAttribution prov:attribution [0..*] prov:wasGeneratedBy: prov:Activity [0..*] |
adms:identifier: adms:Identifier [0..*] adms:versionNotes: rdfs:Literal [0..*] dcat:qualifiedRelation: dcat:Relationship [0..*] dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters: rdfs:Literal: xsd:decimal [0..1] dct:alternative: rdfs:Literal [0..1] dct:creator: foaf:Agent [0..*] dct:hasVersion: dcat:Dataset [0..*] dct:inSeries: dcat:DataSeries [0..*] dct:issued: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] dct:modified: rdfs:Literal: xsd:date [0..1] healthdcatap:retentionPeriod dct:PeriodOfTime [0..1] owl:versionInfo: rdfs:Literal [0..1] prov:qualifiedAttribution prov:attribution [0..*] prov:wasGeneratedBy: prov:Activity [0..*] |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
access service | Data Service | 0..* | A data service that gives access to the distribution of the dataset. | Link | A | |
access URL | Resource | 1..* | A URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. | The resource at the access URL may contain information about how to get the Dataset. | Link | A |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Distribution. | E | ||
availability | Concept | 0..1 | An indication how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available. | A | ||
byte size | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 0..1 | The size of a Distribution in bytes. | Link | A | |
checksum | Checksum | 0..1 | A mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a distribution have not changed. | The checksum is related to the downloadURL. | Link | A |
compression format | Media type | 0..1 | The format of the file in which the data is contained in a compressed form, e.g. to reduce the size of the downloadable file. | It SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | Link | A |
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the Distribution. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A |
documentation | Document | 0..* | A page or document about this Distribution. | A | ||
download URL | Resource | 0..* | A URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format. | Link | A | |
format | Media Type or Extent | 0..1 | The file format of the Distribution. | Link | A | |
has policy | Policy | 0..1 | The policy expressing the rights associated with the distribution if using the ODRL vocabulary. | Link | A | |
language | Linguistic system | 0..* | A language used in the Distribution. | This property can be repeated if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | A | |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Distribution is made available. | Link | A | |
linked schemas | Standard | 0..* | An established schema to which the described Distribution conforms. | Link | A | |
media type | Media Type | 0..1 | The media type of the Distribution as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | Link | A | |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Distribution was changed or modified. | Link | A | |
packaging format | Media Type | 0..1 | The format of the file in which one or more data files are grouped together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together. | It SHOULD be expressed using a media type as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA. | Link | A |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Distribution. | Link | A | |
rights | Rights statement | 0..1 | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. | Link | A | |
spatial resolution | xsd:decimal | 0..* | The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset distribution, measured in meters. | Link | A | |
status | Concept | 0..1 | The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle. | It MUST take one of the values Completed, Deprecated, Under Development, Withdrawn. | A | |
temporal resolution | xsd:duration | 0..* | The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution. | Link | A | |
title | Literal | 0..* | A name given to the Distribution. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
conditions for access and usage | Concept | 1..1 | This property MUST be used to indicate the conditions if any contracts, licences and/or are applied for the use of the dataset. The conditions are declared on an aggregated level: whether a free and unrestricted use is possible, a contract has to be concluded and/or a licence has to be agreed on to use a dataset. | A controlled vocabulary to be used is provided. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
algorithm | Checksum Algorithm | 1 | The algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum. | Link | A | |
checksum value | xsd:hexBinary | 1 | A lower case hexadecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
access rights | Rights statement | 0..1 | Information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. | Link | A | |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 0..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Data Service. | A | ||
application profile | Standard | 0..* | An established (technical) standard to which the Data Service conforms. | The standards referred here SHOULD describe the Data Service and not the data it serves. The latter is provided by the dataset with which this Data Service is connected. For instance the data service adheres to the OGC WFS API standard, while the associated dataset adheres to the INSPIRE Address data model. | Link | A |
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Data Service. | Link | A | |
description | Literal | 0..* | A free-text account of the Data Service. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | Link | A |
endpoint description | Resource | 0..* | A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc. | The property gives specific details of the actual endpoint instances, while dct:conformsTo is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the endpoints implement. | Link | A |
endpoint URL | Resource | 1..* | The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI). | Link | A | |
format | Media Type or Extent | 0..* | The structure that can be returned by querying the endpointURL. | A | ||
keyword | Literal | 0..* | A keyword or tag describing the Data Service. | Link | A | |
landing page | Document | 0..* | A web page that provides access to the Data Service and/or additional information. | It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data service provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator. | Link | A |
licence | Licence Document | 0..1 | A licence under which the Data service is made available. | Link | A | |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Data Service available. | Link | A | |
serves dataset | Dataset | 0..* | This property refers to a collection of data that this data service can distribute. | Link | A | |
theme | Concept | 0..* | A category of the Data Service. | A Data Service may be associated with multiple themes. | Link | A |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Data Service. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..* | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset Series. | E | ||
contact point | Kind | 0..* | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset Series. | Link | A | |
description | Literal | 1..* | A free-text account of the Dataset Series. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions. It is recommended to provide an indication about the dimensions the Dataset Series evolves. | Link | A |
frequency | Frequency | 0..1 | The frequency at which the Dataset Series is updated. | The frequency of a dataset series is not equal to the frequency of the dataset in the collection. | Link | A |
geographical coverage | Location | 0..* | A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset Series. | When spatial coverage is a dimension in the dataset series then the spatial coverage of each dataset in the collection should be part of the spatial coverage. In that case, an open ended value is recommended, e.g. EU or a broad bounding box covering the expected values. | Link | A |
modification date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The most recent date on which the Dataset Series was changed or modified. | This is not equal to the most recent modified dataset in the collection of the dataset series. | Link | A |
publisher | Agent | 0..1 | An entity (organisation) responsible for ensuring the coherency of the Dataset Series | The publisher of the dataset series may not be the publisher of all datasets. E.g. a digital archive could take over the publishing of older datasets in the series. | Link | A |
release date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset Series. | The moment when the dataset series was established as a managed resource. This is not equal to the release date of the oldest dataset in the collection of the dataset series. | Link | A |
temporal coverage | Period of time | 0..* | A temporal period that the Dataset Series covers. | When temporal coverage is a dimension in the dataset series then the temporal coverage of each dataset in the collection should be part of the temporal coverage. In that case, an open ended value is recommended, e.g. after 2012. | Link | A |
title | Literal | 1..* | A name given to the Dataset Series. | This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | Link | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
notation | Literal | 0..1 | A string that is an identifier in the context of the identifier scheme referenced by its datatype. | A |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
contact page | Resource | 0..1 | A webpage that either allows to make contact (i.e. a webform) or the information contains how to get into contact. | P | ||
Resource | 0..1 | A email address via which contact can be made. | P |
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
beginning | Time instant | 0..1 | The beginning of a period or interval. | Link | A | |
end | Time instant | 0..1 | The end of a period or interval. | Link | A | |
end date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The end of the period. | Link | A | |
start date | Temporal Literal | 0..1 | The start of the period. | Link | A |
Class | Definition |
A file format or physical medium. | |
A media type or extent. | |
rdfs:Literal encoded using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype (xsd:gYear, xsd:gYearMonth, xsd:date, or xsd:dateTime). | |
A temporal entity with zero extent or duration. | |
Object with integer-valued year, month, day, hour and minute properties, a decimal-valued second property, and a boolean timezoned property. | |
Decimal represents a subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals. The ·value space· of decimal is the set of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying an integer by a non-positive power of ten, i.e., expressible as i × 10^-n where i and n are integers and n >= 0. | |
Duration represents a duration of time. The ·value space· of duration is a six-dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second components defined in § of [[ISO8601]], respectively. | |
Hex-encoded binary data. The ·value space· of hexBinary is the set of finite-length sequences of binary octets. | |
Number derived from integer by setting the value of minInclusive to be 0. |
In the table below, a number of properties are listed with controlled vocabularies that MUST be used for the listed properties. The declaration of the following controlled vocabularies as mandatory ensures a minimum level of interoperability.
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note |
dcat:mediaType | Distribution | IANA Media Types | |
dcat:theme | Dataset | Dataset Theme Vocabulary | The values to be used for this property are the URIs of the concepts in the vocabulary. |
dct:accrualPeriodicity | Dataset,Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies Frequency Named Authority List | |
dct:format | Distribution,Data Service | EU Vocabularies File Type Named Authority List | |
dct:language | Catalogue,Dataset, Catalogue Records, Distribution | EU Vocabularies Languages Named Authority List | |
dct:publisher | Catalogue,Dataset,Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies Corporate bodies Named Authority List | The Corporate bodies NAL must be used for European institutions and a small set of international organisations. In case of other types of organisations, national, regional or local vocabularies should be used. |
dct:spatial | Catalogue,Dataset,Dataset Series | EU Vocabularies Continents Named Authority List, EU Vocabularies Countries Named Authority List, EU Vocabularies Places Named Authority List, Geonames | The EU Vocabularies Name Authority Lists must be used for continents, countries and places that are in those lists; if a particular location is not in one of the mentioned Named Authority Lists, Geonames URIs must be used. |
adms:status | Distribution | EU Vocabularies Distribution Status | |
dct:type | Agent | ADMS publisher type vocabulary | The list of terms in the ADMS publisher type vocabulary is included in the ADMS specification |
dct:type | Licence Document | ADMS licence type vocabulary | The list of terms in the ADMS licence type vocabulary is included in the ADMS specification |
dcatap:availability | Distribution | Distribution availability vocabulary | The list of terms for the avalability levels of a dataset distribution in the DCAT-AP specification. |
spdx:algorithm | Checksum | Checksum algorithm members | The members listed are considered a controlled vocabulary of supported checksum algorithms. |
dct:accessRights | Dataset, Data Service | Access Rights Named Authority List | Use one of the following values (:public, :restricted, :non-public). |
In addition, HealthDCAT introduces new controlled vocabularies that MUST be used for the following listed properties:
Property URI | Used for Class | Vocabulary name | Usage note | |
dct:type | Dataset | Dataset-type authority table | This list of terms provide types of datasets. Its main scope is to support dataset categorisation of the EU Open Data Portal. (To create a new entry for PERSONAL_DATA) | |
healthdcatap:healthCategory | Dataset | EHDS Health Categories (Art.33) | (to create) | |
healthdcatap:publishertype | Dataset | EHDS Publisher type | (to create) |
The EHDS Regulation proposal defines the minimum categories of electronic data for secondary use. A Dataset is in scope of the EHDS Regulation proposal if and only if it is included in the categories listed under Article 51:
Minimum categories of electronic data for secondary use
1. Data holders shall make the following categories of electronic data available for secondary use in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter:
of the Dataset Theme Vocabulary of the Publications Office.
of the Access Rights Named Authority List provided by the Publications Office.
of the Access Rights Named Authority List.
Data holders are further obliged to declare that the dataset contains personal data:
Data holders are also further encouraged to detail the sensitive nature of the dataset:
When a health Dataset is categorised as personal electronic health data, HealthDCAT-AP, in accordance with the National Single Information Points [NSIP] requirements, mandates that applications MUST include at least one distribution with the following essential properties: access URL , byte size , format , rights . Moreover Access URL MUST be the landing page of the Health Data Access Body presenting the dataset. And the applicable legislation MUST be the ELI URI of the EHDS Regulation proposal.
Property | Range | Card | Definition | Usage | DCAT | Reuse |
access URL | Resource | 1..* | A URL that provides the access procedure to a Distribution of the Dataset. | A URL of a Website that contains information on how to request the data. | Link | E |
byte size | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 1..1 | The size of a Distribution in bytes. | The size in bytes can be approximated | Link | E |
format | Media Type or Extent | 1..1 | The file format of the Distribution. | Only one specific format per Distribution. | Link | E |
applicable legislation | Legal Resource | 1..1 | The ELI URI (to create) of the EHDS Regulation proposal that mandates the creation of the Health Data Access Body. | E | ||
rights | Rights statement | 1..1 | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. | Link | E |
When a health Dataset is categorised as non-personal electronic health data, implementers MUST provide descriptions for, at least, one distribution of the dataset according to Article 41 of the EHDS Regulation.
As DCAT-AP is a Semantic Web data specification, persistence is associated with the use of persistent URIs (PURIs) for the metadata descriptions. A general advice for DCAT-AP implementers is to use PURIs for all entities, but mostly for Datasets and Data Services.
In the context of healthDCAT-AP, the practice of employing Persistent Uniform Resource Identifiers (PURIs) is mandatory endorsed for the primary identifier property identifier (see example: dct:identifier), as well as for all properties within DCAT that are of range the classes Dataset and Resource (has version, source, is referenced by, related resource, related resource). This approach aligns with best practices of DCAT-AP on identifiers, ensuring that DCAT metadata records and metadata descriptions are not only uniquely identifiable but also consistently and reliably accessible over time. By adhering to this standard, healthDCAT-AP facilitates the precise linking and retrieval of datasets and resources, enhancing interoperability and the utility of health data within the healthdata@EU infrastructure and beyond.
DCAT-AP best practices on identifiers :
Class | Class IRI | Property Type | Property | Property IRI |
Activity | |
Agent | |
Mandatory | name | |
Agent | |
Recommended | type | |
Attribution | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | dcatap:applicableLegislation |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | description | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | publisher | |
Catalogue | |
Mandatory | title | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | dataset | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | geographical coverage | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | homepage | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | language | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | licence | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | modification date | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | release date | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | service | |
Catalogue | |
Recommended | themes | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | catalogue | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | creator | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | has part | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | record | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | rights | |
Catalogue | |
Optional | temporal coverage | |
Catalogue Record | |
Mandatory | modification date | |
Catalogue Record | |
Mandatory | primary topic | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | application profile | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | change type | |
Catalogue Record | |
Recommended | listing date | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | description | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | language | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | source metadata | |
Catalogue Record | |
Optional | title | |
Catalogued Resource | |
Checksum | |
Mandatory | algorithm | |
Checksum | |
Mandatory | checksum value | |
Checksum Algorithm | |
Concept | |
preferred label | |
Concept Scheme | |
title | |
Data Service | |
applicable legislation | dcatap:applicableLegislation |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | endpoint URL | |
Data Service | |
Mandatory | title | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | application profile | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | endpoint description | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | keyword | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | publisher | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | serves dataset | |
Data Service | |
Recommended | theme | |
Data Service | |
Optional | access rights | |
Data Service | |
Optional | description | |
Data Service | |
Optional | format | |
Data Service | |
Optional | landing page | |
Data Service | |
Optional | licence | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | access rights | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | applicable legislation | dcatap:applicableLegislation |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | contact point | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | dataset distribution | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | description | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | geographical coverage | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | health category | healthdcatap:healthcategory |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | health data access body | healthdcatap:hdab |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | health theme | healthdcatap:healththeme |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | identifier | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | keyword | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | provenance | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | publisher | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | publisher note | healthdcatap:publishernote |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | publisher type | healthdcatap:publishertype |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | purpose | dpv:hasPurpose |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | sample | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | theme | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | title | |
Dataset | |
Mandatory | type | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | analytics | healthdcatap:analytics |
Dataset | |
Recommended | code values | healthdcatap:hasCodeValues |
Dataset | |
Recommended | coding system | healthdcatap:hasCodingSystem |
Dataset | |
Recommended | conforms to | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | documentation | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | frequency | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | is referenced by | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | landing page | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | language | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | legal basis | dpv:hasLegalBasis |
Dataset | |
Recommended | max typical age | healthdcatap:maxtypicalage |
Dataset | |
Recommended | min typical age | healthdcatap:mintypicalage |
Dataset | |
Recommended | number of records | healthdcatap:numberOfRecords |
Dataset | |
Recommended | number of unique individuals | healthdcatap:numberOfUniqueIndividuals |
Dataset | |
Recommended | personal data | dpv:hasPersonalData |
Dataset | |
Recommended | population coverage | healthdcatap:populationcoverage |
Dataset | |
Recommended | quality annotation | dqv:hasQualityannotation |
Dataset | |
Recommended | related resource | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | source | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | temporal coverage | |
Dataset | |
Recommended | temporal resolution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | alternative | |
Dataset | |
Optional | creator | |
Dataset | |
Optional | has version | |
Dataset | |
Optional | in series | |
Dataset | |
Optional | modification date | |
Dataset | |
Optional | other identifier | |
Dataset | |
Optional | qualified attribution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | qualified relation | |
Dataset | |
Optional | release date | |
Dataset | |
Optional | retention period | healthdcatap:retentionPeriod |
Dataset | |
Optional | spatial resolution | |
Dataset | |
Optional | version | |
Dataset | |
Optional | version notes | |
Dataset | |
Optional | was generated by | |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | Applicable legislation | dcatap:applicableLegislation |
Dataset Series | |
Mandatory | title | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | contact point | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | geographical coverage | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | publisher | |
Dataset Series | |
Recommended | temporal coverage | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | description | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | frequency | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | modification date | |
Dataset Series | |
Optional | release date | |
Distribution | |
Mandatory | access URL | |
Distribution | |
Mandatory | applicablelegislation | dcatap:applicableLegislation |
Distribution | |
Recommended | format | |
Distribution | |
Recommended | licence | |
Distribution | |
Optional | access service | |
Distribution | |
Optional | availability | |
Distribution | |
Optional | byte size | |
Distribution | |
Optional | checksum | |
Distribution | |
Optional | compression format | |
Distribution | |
Optional | description | |
Distribution | |
Optional | documentation | |
Distribution | |
Optional | download URL | |
Distribution | |
Optional | has policy | |
Distribution | |
Optional | language | |
Distribution | |
Optional | linked schemas | |
Distribution | |
Optional | media type | |
Distribution | |
Optional | modification date | |
Distribution | |
Optional | packaging format | |
Distribution | |
Optional | release date | |
Distribution | |
Optional | rights | |
Distribution | |
Optional | spatial resolution | |
Distribution | |
Optional | status | |
Distribution | |
Optional | temporal resolution | |
Distribution | |
Optional | title | |
Document | |
Frequency | |
Geometry | |
Identifier | |
Mandatory | notation | |
Kind | |
Licence Document | |
Recommended | type | |
Linguistic system | |
Literal | |
Location | |
Recommended | bbox | |
Location | |
Recommended | centroid | |
Location | |
Optional | geometry | |
Media type | |
Period of time | |
Recommended | end date | |
Period of time | |
Recommended | start date | |
Period of time | |
Optional | beginning | |
Period of time | |
Optional | end | |
Policy | |
Provenance Statement | |
Relationship | |
Mandatory | had role | |
Relationship | |
Mandatory | relation | |
Resource | |
Rights statement | |
Role | |
Standard | |
The following URIs used in DCAT-AP release 2.x for properties have been deprecated in DCAT-AP 3.0 [[vocab-dcat-3]] in favor for the URIs within the DCAT namespace.
To identify these deprecations, a SHACL shape is provided.